联想的分析原文:someT61psystem boards appear to have highersensitivity to a condition inwhichthe power draw of the GPU inconjunction with fully loaded memorybuscreates a voltage dropcondition, which in turn produces thenotedsymptoms. To resolve,engineering has revised the value of adiscretecomponent to enhancevoltage stability.
联想的解释原文:Thisupdateis included for all new T61p systems built on or after03/20/08. Due todifferences in usage, memory config, and boardtolerances,only a portionof previously built T61p systems may everexperiencethis condition. Owners who have experienced these symptomsshould seekservice at theirconvenience, after working with support torule out anyother potentialcausal factors.
联想提供的解决方案:今年3月20日前出厂的所有主板编号为FRU 42W7877的出现问题的T61p都需要更换编号为FRU 44C3931的主板
原文:Contact the help center and reference this tip to get your planar replaced. The substitution is FRU 42W7877 ===> FRU 44C3931