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标题: 【转贴】一篇T42的使用评测(以及我做的翻译) [打印本页]

作者: daturayew    时间: 2004-6-11 11:54     标题: 【转贴】一篇T42的使用评测(以及我做的翻译)

【转贴】一篇T42的使用评测(以及我做的翻译)原文 folks, Here's a moderately lengthy review of my new T42 (2373CYU) that I just received today... I tried to take closeup shots with this crappy HP Photosmart digital camera, but the pics are grainy and quite useless. If I can get the camera to take a decent picture, I'll see about posting them or having Bill make them available.                Order Date: 05-14-2004, 11:24am Delivery Date: 05-21-2004, 11:00am (Est. date was June 16th!) Summary of features: 1.8GHz, 1GB, 80GB 5400rpm HDD, 15" SXGA+ Flexview, MR9600 w/64MB, IBM a/b/g, Gigabit, Bluetooth, DVD-R/RW Aesthetics ---------- The system is very solidly built. There is only one battery latch, instead of two, as on the T40/T41, but the battery (6-cell) stays in there. Not the kind of wiggle some of the T Series batteries have shown in the past. Of course, I have a Sony battery, which tend to fit tighter than the Sanyo batteries. The left-side palmrest is very snug, and doesn't make any noise/squeaking that my T40p did when it would come into contact with the PC Card housing. Also, there isn't any flimsiness of the keyboard. On my T40p, the right side needed a business card underneath it to keep the PgUp/PgDn and arrow keys from flexing or giving way a bit. The keyboard is solid and secure. I removed the keyboard and it was a very tight fit, with little to no room to move around, unlike my T40p in which the keyboard could move an 1/8th to 1/4 inch when the screws were removed. Needed a screwdriver to lightly pry the keyboard out. Once out, the internals, with the exception of the wireless antenna cable paths (a bit different) remain identical to the T40p/T41p. There is an additional cushion above the fan to firm up the keyboard. The keyboard itself has the same exact feel as the T41p. The only difference is that the plastic around the Access IBM and volume buttons is now matte instead of glossy plastic. This eliminates the glare sometimes associated with the ThinkLight reflecting off the glossy plastic in low-light situations. There is more room on each side of the keyboard, and about 3/4" more room for the palmrest area v. the T40/T41. It 'seems' like I'm using a roomier keyboard, but the keyboard itself is identical, except for the matte plastic grille around the buttons I just mentioned. As far as heat goes, the keyboard remains room temperature throughout, and the right palmrest has a similar heat characteristic to that of the T40p/T41p. The 80GB 5400rpm drive actually doesn't generate as much heat, and it's definitely quieter than my 60GB 7200rpm drive. Even under a load, burning DVDs, the drives operate at a comfortable thermal level. The 15" SXGA+ Flexview screen is PERFECT (well, mine has ONE dead GREEN pixel, but in For my money, this is the perfect size/resolution combination. I compared my screen with a UXGA resolution screen, and it is much easier on the eyes, and still gives you a good amount of screen real-estate. The UXGA is beautiful, but I feel that IBM has struck a nice balance with the 15" SXGA+ screen. Side by side with a T41, and you can see a noticeable increase in readability between the 15" and 14" SXGA+. And the contrast, brightness, color saturation on the Flexview is well worth the money. The metal LCD hinges are also bigger (or more precisely, they are both the same size now, whereas on the T41, one was bigger than the other... on the T42 with 15" Flexview, they are both bigger). Also, the ThinkLight is once again WHITE (for all those folks with R50p's and AMBER ThinkLights)... FAN..... The fan is the same LONG FAN used in the T41p. It seems to make SLIGHTLY more sound when on, but I think that's because the fan vent is slightly bigger than those on the T41p. Again, it may not be ANY different, but I think it's a tad louder. Also, the fan runs near continuously when the CPU is on full power. However, the bottom of the unit seems to stay cooler than my T40p, so who knows. But the GOOD NEWS is that there is NO ANNOYING HUM, FLUCTUATION, 5 SECOND INTERMITTENT HICCUP or any of that nonesense I encountered with my T40p. Even with the fan on at full speed, I can absolutely live with it, and it doesn't bother me. So I'm definitely happy I don't have to do surgery on my new machine because of a noisy fan.                Finally, the side ports, the Ultrabay Slim, the battery, the memory expansion slot, and the overall construction are what we all come to expect from the T Series line. No ABS plastic cover, this is the T41p's big brother with the same materials and quality construction. In fact, as I've said about the solid construction, it actually feels stronger than the T40/T41. If there are any aspects of the build that I've missed, ask me a question, and I'll try to follow up in this thread. Configuration ------------- The system comes configured slightly different from previous systems. The biggest change is the IBM Rescue and Recovery with Rapid Restore 4.0. When you press the Access IBM button at startup, you now get the IBM R&Rw/RR main screen, which includes many of the same features the previous PreDesktop area included. But now you have the Opera Browser available with network connectivity (very cool), and a number of diagnostics and backup/recovery options. And FINALLY... there are utilities included that allow you to BACKUP the factory software and configuration. It makes 7 discs that allow you to completely restore factory contents from CD. It also allows you to make CD backups of your R&R data backups for archive purposes. Very nice to see IBM addressed these two issues. They were also probably tired of all of us calling up asking for the restore CDs. The downside to IBM R&R is that it takes hard drive space. In addition to the 3.5GB of hidden HPA (which is where the PreDesktop area resides, and remains hidden from the OS), there's another 4.3GB service partition viewable from WinXP Manage applet wich is labeled IBM_SERVICE. It's a FAT32 partition that can't be modified or tinkered with (can't even assign it a drive letter) from within WinXP (haven't tried Partition Magic on it yet). Unlike the HPA, this service partition is used to store Rapid Restore backups, etc. Not sure how this will affect the system if you unistall or delete RR and the partition. It seems that the system requires it to be there given that the Access IBM button boots right into RR. I'll tinker with it over the weekend. But with the restore disks readily made, I may just remove all the hidden parition info and service partition info, and recapture 8-9GB of space. IBM RR lets you backup to CD, so it's not necessary, I would think, to have the service partition present. Some additional (limited feature-set) DVD authoring software WinDVD Creator and a label maker from Sonic are included, as well as Adobe Reader 6. Other than that, the software is the same stack as what IBM has been including in the T Series since the T40. Oh, almost forgot. I think most of us have broadband, but there's a Digital Line Detect applet in the Start Group, as well as a new NetWaiting application. Evidently, this software allows you to put your analog dialup line on hold while you answer voice calls, etc. Not sure how useful it is to most of us, but it's there. All the latest BIOS, Embedded Controller, and ThinkVantage technology drivers and updates are present, so the system is ready to go.
作者: daturayew    时间: 2004-6-11 11:55

我的翻译(水平有限,但请指正)伙计们,这是我对今天刚刚拿到的T42(2373CYU)的评测,篇幅还算合适。我试着用自己那蹩脚的HP Photosmart数码相机进行近摄,但是照片颗粒太明显根本就派不上用场。要是我能找到合适的相机拍几张体面的照片,到时候看看能不能贴上来(此处省略or having Bill make them avaliable,Bill可能是叫比尔的人,人物关系不清楚不好翻译)。订货日期:2004年5月14日上午11点24分收货日期:2004年5月21日上午11点整(订货时的预计到货时间是6月16号!)主要配置:1.8GHz, 1GB, 80GB 5400rpm HDD, 15" SXGA+ Flexview, MR9600 w/64MB, IBM a/b/g, Gigabit, Bluetooth, DVD-R/RW外观与做工----------整体做工很结实。和T40/T41的两个电池锁扣不同,这台T42只有一个锁扣,不过6芯电池稳稳地锁定在机身上,不象过去其它T系列部分机器有松动的现象。当然,我的电池是索尼的,据说比三洋的要稳固一些。左边的腕托做工很稳固和舒适,不会发出类似我的T40P腕托碰到PC卡模块的时候弄出的咯吱声之类的噪音。同样键盘也没有可挑剔的。我的T40P键盘右面需要在下面垫一张名片让PgUp/PgDn和方向键不再浮动,不然就只能将就这个缺点。这台机器键盘很稳固,我拆下键盘的时候发现安装的很结实,拿掉螺丝后几乎没有空间前后左右移动,而我的T40P键盘同样情况下大概能平移八分之一到四分之一英寸。拆下键盘的时候需要一把螺丝刀轻轻撬出来。拿掉键盘后,看到机器内部,无线网卡天线的走向和T40P/T41P几乎一样,散热风扇上面多了一个垫子用来加固键盘。键盘本身的手感和T41P的一样。唯一的区别是包含Access IBM和声音控制键的那片塑料由光泽表面变成了粗糙的,这样的好处是在低照度条件下使用键盘灯的时候那个地方的反光可以被消除。键盘两边有了更大的地方,腕托也比T40/T41大约宽了四分之三英寸,感觉上我好像用的是外置键盘,但是实际上键盘本身除了我刚刚说过的那片塑料之外没什么改动。在散热方面,键盘一直保持在室温,右面的掌托和T40P/T41P的感觉差不多。80G,5400转的硬盘并没有产生很多热量,并且绝对比我60G、7200转的硬盘安静。即使在高负荷下,比如烧录DVD,硬盘和光驱也一直维持在比较舒服的温度水准。15寸SXGA+ Flexview的屏幕确实好(我的屏幕有一个绿点是死点,但是原则上...)。以我的预算来说,这个尺寸和分辨率是最好的组合。我比较了UXGA的屏,我的屏幕字体不会感到太小,也能同屏提供够多的信息。UXGA虽然很漂亮,但是我觉得IBM的15" SXGA+在字体大小和信息量上是一个很不错的平衡。同T41并排比较,你会发现同14" SXGA+相比,这块15" SXGA+屏幕的可视性有了很大提高。Flexview的对比度,亮度,饱和度确实值这些钱。金属的屏幕铰链也大了一些(更准确地说,两个铰链现在的尺寸相同了,T41上面大小不同,T42 15寸版本两个铰链大小变得一样了)。还有,现在键盘灯又变成了白色(对那些用R50P的伙计们和其他键盘灯是琥珀色的朋友们来说...)风扇...风扇和T41P上面使用的长型风扇一样。风扇启动的时候声音相比T41P好像稍微有一些大,我想这可能是排风口比T41P大的原因。再说一遍,可能根本就没有差别,但是我觉得声音稍微有大。同样,当CPU全速工作的时候风扇转个不停,但是机器底部感觉上比T40P凉快一些,谁知道呢。有个好消息就是,不再有我的T40P上面烦人的嗡嗡声、扰动声,每五秒钟一次的吱吱声以及其它意想不到的声音。即使风扇全速工作,我也绝对没有感到被打扰。我真的很高兴不用仅仅因为烦人的风扇噪音而为新机器做手术了。最后,边上的接口,光驱扩展槽,电池卡槽,内存扩展槽,以及全体的做工同我们对T系列所期待的那样好。没有ABS工程塑料作的盖子。这是T41P的大哥,使用了相同的材质和做工。事实上,同我说过的坚实的做工一致,这台机器感觉上要比T40/T41结实。如果有任何我遗漏的关于做工方面的问题,请随时问我,我会尽量在这个帖子中回答。软件配置--------和之前的系统稍有不同。最大的改变是IBM Rescue and Recovery with Rapid Restore 4.0(IBM R&Rw/RR)。开机的时候按Access IBM,就能进入IBM R&Rw/RR的主菜单,包括了从前PreDesktop area中的很多相同功能。但是现在多了个能提供网络连接的Opera浏览器(太酷了),还有一些系统诊断和备份/恢复之类的选项。最后,有一些应用程序,包括允许你备份出厂时的软件和设置。全部备份出厂时候的内容需要大约7张CD。他还能让你以存档为目的对Rapid Restore数据进行CD备份。很高兴看到IBM提供了这些内容。可能IBM也对我们每个人打电话要CD恢复盘感到疲倦了吧。IBM R&Rw/RR的缺点是占据硬盘空间。除了3.5G的HPA(那里是PreDesktop area,对操作系统是隐藏的),还有另外4.3G的服务分区,可以在WINXP磁盘管理中看到,卷标是IBM_SERVICE。这是个FAT32分区,在WINXP中不能修改也不能分配盘符(我还没有试过Partition Magic)。和HPA不一样,这个分区用来保存Rapid Restore的备份之类的数据。不清楚如果卸载或者删除这个分区会影响什么。看起来好像系统需要这个分区为Access IBM键功能提供权限。这个周末我准备粗略研究一下。不过有了自己制作的恢复盘,我可能选择删除所有的隐藏分区,可以释放8到9个G的空间。既然IBM R&Rw/RR允许你备份到CD,我宁愿认为不必要保留隐藏分区。还有一些另外的软件比如(有功能限制的)DVD制作软件WinDVD Creator和Sonic公司的一个光盘封面制作软件,同样还有Adobe Reader 6。除了这些,其它的和T40附属的软件一样。差点忘了,我想大部分人都在用宽带,但是在开始菜单中有一个Digital Line Detect程序,就是一个新式的网络等待软件。显然,这个软件有允许你在使用模拟电话线路上网需要接电话的时候不掉线之类的功能。不清楚对大多是用宽带的人有什么用,不过这个软件确实存在。所有最新的BIOS,Embedded Controller和ThinkVantage technology驱动以及升级都准备妥当了,可以开始了。性能----我运行了一些下面会提到的显示和系统测试。总的来说,这是一个很不错的台式机替代机。平均性能上,综合的测试显示这台机器根据执行任务不同大体上和P4 2.4~2.6GHz的台式机差不多。我要重申,这仅仅是主观上综合的感觉。但是其明显快于T40P让我感觉很爽。我感到Flexview的唯一缺点是刷新率和响应时间。在一些3D游戏的测试中,快速动作中存在鬼影,尤其是充满细节的场景。虽然并不是什么大问题,但是对于一个总是需要在笔记本电脑的液晶屏幕上玩游戏的游戏迷来讲却是一个很重要的考虑因素,也许这些人应该选择非Flexview的屏幕。对于大多数玩家,不会看上液晶屏幕,他们热衷于大屏幕高分辨率的CRT,对很多不怎么玩游戏的人来说这块屏幕不是问题。不管怎么样我要把话说在前头,相比我的T40P,我能看出明显增多的鬼影。有个好消息是我的这块MR9600显存时钟比使用同样显存,显卡是FireGL的T42P要快(至少快过我见过的T42P的展示机)。因此3Dmark得分在我的T42上面要好过我用过的T42P的展示机,并且明显好于曾经贴过的我旧的T40P的结果。最终结论是,无可争议的,MR9600对游戏和3D支持的很好。不用多说的是,对DirectX 9.0b的支持是个卖点(需要游戏的支持)。那么接着给出3DMark2001se, 3DMark 2003, SiSoft Sandra 2004的得分。这里我也放上我的T40p (1.6GHz, 1GB PC2100, FireGL 9000, 60GB 7200rpm HDD)和我女友的R40 (1.3Ghz, 512MB PC2100, 20GB 4200rpm HDD, M6 video with 16MB)的得分,仅仅是为了让大家对性能有个感性了解。我同时也抛出我那台老旧的台式机(P4-2GHz                512MB RDRAM PC-800...)的得分。最后,这块80G硬盘在启用缓存的写入上速度接近60G 7200转的水平。这对我很重要,因为我常常做大量的影像采集。同时启用缓存读取速度也很合理的接近60G 7200转的水平。我的测试表明在读取速率上,相比于80G 5400转的硬盘,60G 7200转硬盘最大可以有15%到20%的提高,这种差别在使用中没什么实际意义。任何情况下我都会选择空间大20G,安静一些,凉快一些的80G硬盘。重申,可能很主观,但是我T40P的60G硬盘明显制造更多的噪音并让我的右手随时感到美好的震动提醒。下面是这些数字:SiSoft Sandra 2004 System Benchmark: T42 (2373CYU): CPU-ALU=5493 CPU-Int=16518 CPU-Flt=18233 Mem-Int=2184 Mem-Flt=2193 HDD=22548 BufferedWrite=67MBsec (5400rpm HDD) T40p (2373G3U): CPU-ALU=4984 CPU-Int=14877 CPU-Flt=16802 Mem-Int=1970 Mem-Flt=1983 HDD=23247 BufferedWrite=69MBsec (7200rpm HDD) R40 (289723U): CPU-ALU=4077 CPU-Int=12353 CPU-Flt=13672 Mem-Int=1955 Mem-Flt=1964 HDD=13394 BufferedWrite=38MBsec (4200rpm HDD) P4-2GHz : CPU-ALU=5275 Mem-Int=2554 Mem-Flt=2554 HDD=36900 BufferedWrite=45MBsec (RAID 1) 3DMark2001se and 3DMark03 Benchmarks: T42 (2373CYU): 3DMark01=9377 3DMark03=2465 T40p (2373G3U): 3DMark01=7227 3DMark03= 735 R40 (289723U): 3DMark01=1534 3DMark03=N/A T41 : 3DMark01=4982 (32MB ATI Radeon 9000) P4-2GH : 3DMark01=8097 (AllinWonder9000 w/64MB) 结论----总的来说,我对这台新的T42很满意。终于我有了一台台式机替代机并且不象概念中的台式机替代品那样沉,高性能的组件和2倍速的DVD-R使得DVD制作和烧录不用再花2个小时那样长的时间。这台机器出奇的轻,屏幕美妙可视性极好,所有零件使得业余视屏和音频编辑制作变得十分容易。更不用说玩起游戏的爽(除了偶尔的鬼影,不过这也是为什么我们需要对外接显示器的原因,哈哈)。这就是我的测评。我会尽力贴出照片,但是最近的T42P评测中的照片和我有的是一样的,并且那些照片质量可能比我能拍到的要好。希望每个用新的Thinkpad的人都能和我有一样的肯定性的测评结果。保重Daniel
作者: zhusy    时间: 2004-6-11 13:43


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